Theatre (verse)

Auto de los Reyes Magos [12th century Spanish – Anonymous]


CASPAR (Solo.)
¡Dios criador, cuál maravila!
No sé cuál es aquesta strela.
Agora primas la he veída;
poco timpo ha que es nacida.
¿Nacido es el Criador
que es de la[s] gentes Senior?
Non es verdad, non sé qué digo;
todo esto non vale uno figo.
Otra nocte me lo cataré;
si es vertad, bine lo sabré.
¿Bine es vertad lo que yo digo?
En todo, en todo lo prohío.
¿Non pudet seer otra sennal?
Aquesto es y non es ál;
nacido es Dios, por ver, de fembra
in aquest mes de december.
Alá iré; ó que fure, aoralo he;
por Dios de todos lo terné.


CASPAR (Alone.)
That’s such a miracle, oh God creator,
I do not know what this star is for!
This is the first time it is seen,
Not long ago born has it been.
Is it that the Creator is born,
Of all the people Lord?
It is not true, my talk is nonsense,
All this is utterly useless;
I will look into it another night,
Well will I know if this is right.
Am I not right in what I say?
In all and all I will maintain.
Can it be another sign?
This is it, no other thing;
Of a woman is God born,
In December, in this month.
I will go anywhere to worship him,
That God he is I will admit.

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